Thursday, July 29, 2010




Human Design gives you the big picture all the way to the limits of the Universe and thousands of other pictures all the way down to the tiny, tiny subatomic particles of neutrinos. It has applications in psychology, history, physical and cultural anthropology, nutrition, astrology, spiritual systems, genetics, astrophysics, economics, sociology, communications, politics, marketing, business, personnel management, relationships, sex, family, children, and on and on and on. Its applications are infinite.

This is a little little list of insights and ideas just from off the top of my head. They are all from the cursory examination of just one book: “Circuitry: A Complete Guide to Circuits, Channels and Gates”. This book is written by Richard Rudd in 2003 and is a distillation of the complex material given in his talks by Ra Uru Hu.  Everything in Human Design is from Ra Uru Hu. He is the Transmitter of this system. Every Transmitter needs a good writer to follow behind to organize, summarize, distill, and make things more clear and readable. Ra does his Splenic Speaking and Richard is gifted at distillation for Ajna Reading.

There are thousands and thousands more and this list will grow and grow. Your help is invited. Please write to me with your ideas and statements and we will put it on the list. These simple statements by themselves are interesting to look at and think about, but there is another purpose for them. Out of these simple statements come Testable Hypotheses.  Ra says that Human Design is a logic system and that it is to be tested, not believed. The first step of scientific method is to make a description of the phenomenon. The second step is to make a statement about that phenomenon in such a way that it can be tested. This is called a Testable Hypothesis and the more of them that a scientific theory can generate, the more rich the theory. Currently, Human Design is the richest scientific theory in human history on planet Earth. And it is a Systems Theory.

Example. Look at statement 38. There are two ways to measure to measure a ‘better’ left eye. One is through dominance (the eye you prefer to use the most) and the other is through acuityW response on the Rorshach or a high score on the Similarities subtest on the Wechsler.  Being better at ‘facts’ can be measured by the Dd response on the Rorschach or a high score on the Information (the eye that physically is more clear as measured by a Snellen chart or optometrist/opthamologist). Ability for ‘concepts’ can be measured by the subtest on the Wechsler. Therefore, in terms of the Null Hypothesis of science, there are two testable hypotheses here that can be stated:

“Individuals with a strong left eye will have no significant difference in scores on the W response than they do on the Dd response on the Rorschach.”

“Individuals with a strong left eye will have no significant difference in scores on the Similarities subtest than they do on the Information subtest on the Wechsler.”

There is another way in Human Design to make Testable Hypotheses more specific to Human Design and that is according to Types, Channels, Gates, Lines, and Circuits which are easily specified and measurable. Example. The Channels of 54-32 and 26-44 have to do with smell. An example would be:

“Individuals with activation of Channel 54-32 are more bothered by the smell of cigarette smoke than individuals with activation of Channel 61-24”.

The number of Testable Hypotheses in Human Design probably number in the millions, not thousands, and are in every discipline, branch, and system of all human knowledge.


1.   There are four types of genetic/energy/personality groupings in mankind.

2.   There are parts of the genetic code activated at birth and others than remain dormant.

3.   Activation of which parts of the genetic code are based on the position of the planets     
      and can be predicted at time of birth.

4.   Each person has a path to their own truth and there are 11 paths.

5.   The structure of the hexagrams of the I’Ching and the DNA of genetics are the same.

6.   Some people should go to bed before they are tired and some should not go to bed
      until they are exhausted.

7.   Some people should not choose what to eat until it is placed in front of them.

8.   Some people should be vegetarians and not eat meat. For others, eating meat is ok.

9.   Some people have sensitive immune systems and will overreact to medical drugs.
      There is individual variability in reaction to the same drug.

10.  Adrenaline and stress for some people is manageable for some and intolerable for
       others. There is individuality variability in reaction to the same stress.

11.  Emotional people should listen to the phone with the right ear.

12.  Struggle for some people provides the meaning of life and keeps them healthy.

13.  That neutrinos have mass was predicted by Ra before it was discovered by science
       in 1997.

14.  It is healthier for some people to eat their food in a noisy environment.

15.  There are parts of our genetic code that are activated at birth and the other parts are
       where we are open to conditioning from society and planets.

16.  Those parts of us that are conditioned are unreliable, inconsistent and unsatisfying.

17.  There are Individualists; there are Family/Community people; there are people of
       the Collective/Nation/World. There are different levels of bonding & identification.

18.  Individualists are psychologically deaf and do not listen to others

19.  Individualists are oppositional and polarity responders.

20.  Creative people who bring something new are undisciplined, unpredictable people
       who easily suffer from melancholia.

21.  Scientific, skeptical minds suffer more from anxiety.

22.  Scientific, skeptical minds focus more on the future than in the present.

23.  Scientific, skeptical minds will score lower on spontaneity and adaptability.

24.  Scientific, skeptical minds will score higher on suspicion, mistrust, and paranoia.

25.  People with fixed habits will suffer health problems if those habits are broken.

26.  Flexible people who thrive on diversity are less judgemental of others.

27.  There are different kinds of leadership; some people represent and some people rule.

28.  The higher the determination and focus, the less they like to do two things at once.

29.  Some people can invoke inner strength in others through their own belief and love of

30.  To be self-centered is not necessarily to be selfish.

31.  Some people are more creative when they follow their own convictions.

32.  Some people do not have to be aware of the behavior they do or question it.

33.  The urge to display how different you are from others increases chances of survival.

34.  People who can ‘think on their feet’ look to create beauty around them (eg, architects)

35.  People who can hear better through the right ear are more sensitive to vibration.

36.  People who hear better with the right ear have more fear of the future and unknown.

37.  People who hear better with the right ear have a stronger immune system.

38.  People who see better with the left eye are better at concepts than facts (W v. Dd)

39.  People with stronger left eye can generate more thoughts (ideational fluency).

40.  People with stronger left eye are better at story telling.

41.  People who can be charming can also be ferocious.

42.  People who are good at making music should not eat unless they are in the mood.

43.  Some people know what they know only when they talk and hear the tone and
       emotional qualities of their voice.

44.  People who stutter are fearful/cautious of other people understanding them clearly
       before they begin to stutter. The fear is the ‘cause’, not the result.

45.  People who stutter have auditory over-sensitivity ( probably figure-ground ).

46.  People strong in the left ear are more emotional and only hear what they want to hear.
       If they want to hear something fully, they have to hear it several times over a period.

47.  People who are natural listeners are people who keep their secrets to themselves.

48.  It takes 7 years for a person to learn a technique deeply enough to transcend it.

49.  People with talent have to improve the world in some way.

50.  People who come up with new solutions for things have stronger sense of inadequacy

51.  People with weak right eye try to share their opinions without being invited and bore
       people with too many details.

52.  Logical minds are visual oriented and need images to better understand.

53.  People good with detail have more potential to train and communicate with animals.

54.  Perfectionists who are judgmental and criticize are happier when they exercise.

55.  Critical people who can see the fault in everything have a fear of authority.

56.  People with a zest and love of life are insatiable and hard to satisfy.

57.  People with a zest and love of life are more likely to challenge authority.

58.  People who want to hug also want to hit.

59.  People touch-oriented who like to hug have more full refrigerator.

60.  People touch-oriented who like to hug have higher value on food.

61.  People who like to flirt have more full refrigerator.

62.  Persons with strong principles have a higher need to be obeyed.

63.  People who are butchers have higher/stronger principles than average.

64.  People who can only see life in the present moment feel more discomfort with the
       world as it is now.

65.  People with the urge to display how different they are from others are more asexual.

66.  Great improvisers who can intuitively adapt to any circumstance without thinking
       about it have more of a fear of the unknown.

67.  People with strong right ear have more selective hearing; hear what they want to hear.

68.  Entrepreneurs have more will power and do not like to be controlled.

69.  People who do not like to be controlled do not work well with others.

70.  People who do not like to be controlled talk more about themselves (self-reference).

71.  Original, creative, innovative thinkers need to talk things through with others so they
       can hear what they know, which often comes as a surprise, ‘Oh, that’s what I mean!’

72.  People who worry a lot can resolve that worry best in an atmosphere of silence.

73.  Great thinkers inspired to know the mystery of the unknown cannot understand their
       own minds or themselves.

74.  Competitive people who like to be the first like to shock themselves and others.

75.  People who like to be first can initiate others into doing things they wouldn’t
       normally do.

76.  People with universal, unconditional love with compassion for all life have a ‘cool’
       love without heat or passion.

77.  People who like to shock people need to test themselves in order to be the best.

78.  People with universal, unconditional love feel more melancholia about being

79.  Unpredictable courageous individuals can empower others by shocking them out of
       their own little world into a bigger picture.

80.  People who get melancholy from lack of excitement need to test themselves to be
       the best or be the first; to find the spirit of going beyond themselves.

81.  People who like to manipulate try to be paid more for working less.

82.  People motivated by maximum reward for minimum output exaggerate and lie more.

83.  People good at finding the short cuts are less honest and manipulate others more.

84.  Good sales people are good at short cuts, exaggeration & making more for less work.

85.  People with fear of repeating failures of the past have instinctive knowledge of the
       capabilities of others.

86.  Personnel managers have a stronger fear of repeating failures of the past.

87.  People who feel responsibility for others generates automatic trust from others.

88.  People who stand up for themselves usually have to go it alone.

89.  People who love a good fight have a fear of time running out.

90.  Lack of purpose results in fear of time running out.

91.  To struggle for people designed for it will keep them healthy.

92.  People who are stubborn are psychologically deaf & will not listen to others.

93.  Commitment without expectation of outcome teaches there is no success or failure.

94.  Discovery is based upon commitment without expectation of outcome.

95.  People who commit without knowing where it will take them, and who do not enjoy
       the juiciness of the experience, are psychological slaves.

96.  People who always say ‘yes’ are a slave.

97.  People who are sensual and love their body are always at the right place right time.

98.  People with nervousness expect their dreams to come true.

99.  People with nervousness expect their desires to bring them lasting peace.

100. People with desire, longing, and expectation also have fear of fate.

101. People with fantasy have the restlessness to start something new, but cannot focus
        on a specific desire.

102. People with in-born instinct of the value of anything or anyone have fear of failure.

103. Fear of failure makes a person conservative.

104. People who are ambitious are always trying to catch the attention of someone higher
        up in the hierarchy.

105. Essence of survival is tuning in on sound and vibration.

106. Essence of survival is hearing exactly what is being said through the tone of the
        speaker rather than the words.

107. People are unavailable when: (1) they are busy; (2) they are following their convic-
        tions; and (3) unavailable to listen.

108. People who will not be influenced by others have a fear of the unknown (the future).

109. People easily bored have more crisis in their life than others.

110. People easily bored are more multi-talented, ‘jack of all trade’.

111. People who are more happily married are more touch oriented.

112. People more touch oriented are more interested in knowing their purpose in life.

113. People active in the community are more touch oriented.

114. Married people active in the community are more likely to get divorced if things
        in the relationship are ‘not fair’.

115. People more touch oriented have higher degrees of loyalty to the other.

116. People who work hard for the family have a stronger need for sometimes alone.

117.  Deeply romantic people have stronger emotional moods that go more up and down.

118.  People with deeper/higher mood swings are more sensitive to music.

119.  People who like flirting more are more decisive than others.

120.  Indecisive people cope with stress by eating or not eating.

121.  People who listen to the tone of voice of the word instead of the meaning of the
         word can be over-sensitive/upset over issues that other people do not understand.

122.  The primary ‘cause’ of divorce among  couples is when one of the partners thinks
         things are unfair.

123.  People who work hard for the family, the provider, need special time for rest.

124.  The provider for the family needs understanding and loyalty from the partner.

125.  Romantic, musical, melancholic and moodiness are all inter-related with each other.

126.  The more a person is reluctant to make commitment, the more compelled they are
          to finish what they start.

127.  People who feel stuck are depressed because they cannot start something new.

128.  A person’s abstract thinking cannot solve their personal problems.

129.  Confusion is a way to create something new out of the old, to process and re-shape
         the past in different ways.

130.  Anxiety over confusion is the fear of futility of the past.

131.  People good at beginning things is not as good at finishing things.

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